
We’ve been back over a week now, and I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m still unpacking. There are weddings for me to plan, laundry to catch up with, kindergarten applications to complete, and a princess birthday party to coordinate.

I could go my usual hundred mile an hour….or, I can let myself restore for a bit longer. I chose restoration.

I have two inner voices–one tells me to work harder, work more, because I’m lucky to do what I love. The other reminds me to slow down, enjoy life, because time passes by at lightening speed. Lately, as my blog posts clearly shows, the latter inner voice has been the louder one. Still, I’ve got some great clients and interesting weddings this year which I’m looking forward to, so I’m not retiring anytime soon. 🙂 Bridgette will be starting kindergarten this Fall, and I’m looking forward to this new journey with her.

When you let yourself slow down and restore, you really do see the goodness in life.

Zhongshan Trip Part II. coming soon, thanks for those who have kindly (and eagerly) emailed me to remind me about that… 🙂

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